CAT Marketing Phygital

Brand Footprint:

With the development of the brand footprint, you will be able to understand all the attributes and benefits of your product or service and make them visible with unique experiences that generate value and make the brand desirable to users and/or consumers.

CAT Marketing Phygital

Data mining:

We analyze the transactional data of companies, which allows us to elaborate segmentations, discover behaviors and correlations that inspire us in the creation of intelligent digital marketing campaigns.

We will contribute to the improvement of the sales results of your brand

CAT Marketing Phygital

One Page Strategy:

On a single page you can have an overview of your entire strategic plan. Priorities, metrics, budget and strategic direction.

Insight: What do you need, what are you looking for, what fear do you have, what do you want to obtain, how are you going to solve it for me?
Tasks: What am I going to solve or satisfy? Express your expectations, doubts or fears.
Role: Educate, surprise, blow of opinion, entertain.
Pillars: Commercial, achievements, results, experiences, benefits obtained.


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